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- Paraprofessional
- Paraeducator (Early Childhood only)
Compliance with NCLB
- Title I, Part A Paraprofessional Requirements
- Explains federally mandated expectations.
- Defines semester and quarter credit hours.
- Establishes approved assessments as meeting Title I qualifications:
- ParaPro (score of 456)
- Para Educator Learning Network (70% on comprehensive exam)
- Workkeys (Writing - 4, reading - 4, math - 3, instructional skills inventory - 150)
- Project Para (composite passing score of 116)
- Providing Equitable Opportunities For an Essential Education For All
Students in Nebraska Public School Districts, Dec. 10, 2004
- General Education Policy Statements Index
- Page 23 recommends that all paraprofessionals:
- Meet requirements of state and/or federal legislation
- Have a mandatory background check
- Have assigned duties which are non-teaching in nature
- Follow federal mandates in building funded by Title I
Standards to Measure Professional Growth of Paraeducators
Not evident
Policy that Distinguishes Paraeducators Working with Special Education
- Rule 11: Regulations for Early Childhood Education Programs, August 20, 2007
- 004.08B Paraeducator. A paraeducators assigned to work as a member of a classroom team shall have received at least twelve (12) semester hours of undergraduate or graduate credit in child development/early childhood education, or the equivalent in prior training or experience as determined by the Commissioner or his or her designee.
- Approved Equivalency for Paraeducators in Early Childhood Programs Operated
by Public Schools Districts or Educational Service Units
- Defines the equivalent in prior training or experiences options defined by the Commissioner.
Resource Guide for Supervisors: Assisting Local Agencies in Supervision of Paraeducators Beyond NCLB Mandated Expectations
- Teacher Aides Nebraska Professional Practices Commission
- Restates the state law concerning the role and responsibilities of paraprofessionals in contrast to the role and responsibilities of certified teachers.
Standards to Measure the Professional Growth of Teachers in a Position to Supervise Paraeducators
Not evident
Document Previewed by Cathy Mohniki, Title I Consultant, Nebraska Department of Education, March 2, 2013