Using the search engine available at this site does not yield any information related to paraprofessionals.
- Teach Louisiana is a free online service allowing qualified teachers and educational leaders' assistance in finding employment in Louisiana schools. The following information was located at that site.
- Paraprofessional Programs
- Defines the role of the paraprofessional
- Provides a link to a brochure - https://www.teachlouisiana.net/pdf/paraFINAL.pdf
- Outlines credentialing steps
Best Term to Access Data Using Site's Search Engine
Compliance with NCLB
Not evident
Standards to Measure Professional Growth of Paraeducators
Not evident
Policy that Distinguishes Paraeducators Working with Special Education
Not evident
Resource Guide for Supervisors: Assisting Local Agencies in Supervision of Paraeducators Beyond NCLB Mandated Expectations
Not evident
Standards to Measure the Professional Growth of Teachers in a Position to Supervise Paraeducators
Not evident