New Hampshire
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Paraprofessional or Paraeducator
Compliance with NCLB
- Title I Part A, Requirements for Paraeducators or Paraprofessionals
- This site links to several other sites
- Paraeducator Certification Application
- With a process in place to certify paraeducators, compliance with NCLB is assured
- Guidelines for LEAs to determine if paraeducators meets Option A: two
years of college under NCLB and Title I requirements for paraeducators
- Explanation of how to verify qualification federally mandated
- Certification Application Information
- Paraeducator Certification Application
- This site links to several other sites
Standards to Measure Professional Growth of Paraeducators
- Standards for Paraeducators Under No Child Left Behind
- Explains NCLB expectations more fully.
- Several more documents are linked to this page (click paraeducators
certificate located in the middle of this page).
- Paraeducator Responsibilities/Application Procedures
- Two-tiered certification (Paraeducator 1&2)
- Paraeducators are responsible for both initial and renewal of certification process.
- Assessment of Candidate's Strengths and Professional Development Needs
for Paraeducator - 1
- To be certified as a Paraeducator – I, the entry level skills, competencies and knowledge are required
- Assessment of Candidate's Strengths and Professional Development Needs
for Paraeducator - II
- Builds upon the skills, competencies and knowledge required for Paraeducator I
- New Hampshire State Department of Education Paraeducator I and II
- Signature page to be signed by superintendent, supervisor, and paraeducator candidate to indicate approval of certification.
- Professional Growth Requirements for Paraprofessionals
- A minimum of fifty (50) continuing educational units of paraprofessional growth is required during the three years preceding the date of application for recertification. Examples of acceptable professional growth activities is given.
- Paraeducator Responsibilities/Application Procedures
Policy that Distinguishes Paraeducators Working with Special Education
Not evident
Resource Guide for Supervisors: Assisting Local Agencies in Supervision of Paraeducators Beyond NCLB Mandated Expectations
Not evident
Standards to Measure the Professional Growth of Teachers in a Position to Supervise Paraeducators
Not evident