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Compliance with NCLB
- Requirements for Highly Qualified Paraprofessionals
- Defines role of paraprofessional, reviews NCLB expectations
- Several other documents are available from this site
- Guidance for the Implementation of Paraprofessional Requirements Under
Title I, Part A
- Structured with questions and answers this document explores all possible paraprofessional roles and the impact of NCLB upon their qualifications
- Determining “Highly Qualified” Status Title I
- A form to use in order to show highly qualified status as needed to comply with NCLB
- Status of No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Title I, Part A Paraprofessional
Qualifications Requirements
- A letter to all administrators reviewing NCLB expectations and indicating a date for compliance reporting.
- Guidance for the Implementation of Paraprofessional Requirements Under
Title I, Part A
Standards to Measure Professional Growth of Paraeducators
Not evident
Policy that Distinguishes Paraeducators Working with Special Education
Not evident
Resource Guide for Supervisors: Assisting Local Agencies in Supervision of Paraeducators Beyond NCLB Mandated Expectations
Not evident
Standards to Measure the Professional Growth of Teachers in a Position to Supervise Paraeducators
Not evident