Paraprofessional Preparation Program Improvement Projects
Past Projects
These projects were funded by the Paraprofessional Pre-service Program Improvement Grants (CFDA 84.325N) of the Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP), U.S. Department of Education. The purpose of these grants is to improve the quality of existing paraprofessional certificate or associate degree programs in community colleges so that paraprofessionals are well-prepared to work with children with disabilities and their families. There are two focus areas under this grant competition. Under focus area A, the OSEP provides funding to support improvement grants for Early Intervention (EI), Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE), and Early Childhood Education (ECE) paraprofessional pre-service programs. Under focus area B, the OSEP provides funding to support improvement grants for K through 12 paraprofessional pre-service programs. The PAR²A Center housed a total of three OSEP funded projects in focus area A and B. Please click on the links on the right side to review the description of each project.